Thursday, June 11, 2015

April, May & June


Staff Showcase: Mrs. Boyatsis- Administrative Assistant

This is my seventh year as the Administrative Assistant at the Alternative Program. I worked at the Dover Middle School part-time for seven years prior to coming to the Alt. Program. Before being employed by the Dover School System I worked as an Electrical/Mechanical Drafter at Davidson/Textron in Dover…and my most important job of all…being a stay home mom for sixteen years raising my four children, two boys and two girls.
My children are all young adults now, ranging in age from 22-28 years old. Three of my children have graduated from college and my youngest will graduate next May. My oldest daughter is getting married in September of 2015. My husband Steve and I have been married for 30 years and are enjoying our time together, doing things we never had time for. I enjoy working out, playing basketball, swimming, hiking, biking, golfing, playing tennis, skiing, snow shoeing, and doing Sprint Triathlons. I also work part-time at Tender Crop Farm in Dover.
Through the years I have worked with some amazing staff members and students. I enjoy meeting new people and always look forward to the beginning of the school year each Fall. It’s never a dull moment here at the Alternative Program and I think that’s why I like it so much!

Community Goals:

For April, the community goal was Empathy. As a part of this goal, students donated points towards a gift card that was submitted as part of the Dover High School Autism Awareness bingo calendar. Our students donated close to 4000 of their well earned points so that others could benefit!

In May the group worked on being active and physically fit. Two community based trips went out this month. Several students had the opportunity to attend a baseball game at the Fisher Cats Stadium. It was held on the team's education day. The students enjoyed all the festivities held there. Some of the kids had never been to a professional baseball game!
The second trip was a hiking trip to Mt. Agamenticus in Maine. Students enjoyed the hike to the top to take in the scenery. Following the hike they were treated to some frozen yogurt!
In addition to these trips, a community based scavenger hunt was offered to students. The kids worked on transportation skills via the COAST bus and landed in Portsmouth. While there the kids took in and learned about the history of the Seacoast area.
Finally, the group worked on achieving a fitness goal of 1000 laps around the DHS track (250 miles). Each day the laps were tracked and posted.

June signals the end of the school year and a major transition. The goal for all of our students is to end strong and on a positive note. Many students met the challenge while others struggled. Summer can be a fun and relaxing time but lack of structure can also result in anxiety and stress. We understand that this time of year can be difficult for some and work to support all of our students through their ups and downs.


Crochet Club

A couple of our girls had a shared interest of crocheting! The ladies would have lunch together and then crochet. It was a pleasure watching them chat and giggle as they created their scarves/blankets. Way to go!

Building Bridges

Mr. Evans' math classes have been using their arithmetic skills to create bridges out of wooden sticks and glue. First they researched the history of bridges and then they began to construct their bridge. The students will test their bridge strength by hanging a bucket from it and gradually filling it with sand. We will see whose bridge can withstand the heaviest weight!


 Live Storytelling

Mr. Schwartz's English class wrote and read stories about an event in their lives that would express to others a personal quality. The stores were touching and revealing. One student allowed me to share her story:

Llamas Saved My Life
I never knew a llama would save my life. For years I went through a sad time no one to turn to and nobody was there for me. So I thought we’ve all been through a tough time where we feel there’s no point in living or trying so you just give up. Trust me, I’ve been there. But there was only one thing that could truly save me from sinking into the dark abyss we like to call, giving up. Llamas saved me from ending my life. I have never thought a llama would teach me the values in life but it did and it helped me through the dark period of my life. All I could do is think about llamas, pretend I am a llama, have feelings like a llama. It was just the way I coped back then, and then reality kicked in.
I got arrested and ended up in YDC. I was there for six months. It was royal hell for me. I was in YDC. It was terrible. All I thought about was how llamas are calming to me and how llamas are the only thing giving me hope to get out of this place. After six months of royal hell, I got out into placement called St. Ann’s. I arrived there on August 26, 2013. I learned how to control my depression, anxiety and my social issues, but I still struggle with those today. But the thoughts of llamas soothed those thoughts. While I was at St. Ann’s my therapist asked me a question, “What keeps you from killing yourself?” and can you guess what I said? “Llamas” I got discharged from St. Ann’s on August 26, 2014 and I finally realized while I was driving away from the building, “llamas saved my life.”


We wish all our students and families a safe and peaceful summer. The Director of the Dover Alternative Program is available via email throughout the summer months

We anticipate a great group of new and returning students for the fall!

If you are a student that is moving on to new experiences please keep in touch and know that we are only a phone call away if you need us!

Monday, April 6, 2015



STAFF SHOWCASE: Mrs. Poland-Paraeducator

Mrs. Poland is in her second year as a Special Ed Paraprofessional at the Dover Alternative Program.  She graduated from SUNY Plattsburgh with a BA in Psychology in 1996. She worked for a county mental health organization in Vermont as a Residential Counselor and then as a Behavioral Interventionist in a school before moving to New Hampshire to raise a family.  She lives in Dover and enjoys relaxing at the beach or simply spending time with her husband and three children. 

Community Theme: Decision Making

The students worked on decision making skills as a group this month.  Wednesday community building activities were based on this theme.  Student levels were earned or lost based on choices students made within the school or while at home or in the community.  Students came to an understanding that reinforcement and privileges are not solely based on actions here at school but that how they function in other places are also considered heavily.  Next Month: Empathy



As part of transition skills class and incorporating Math, Science and Literacy, students engaged in building sleds or snowboards to race.  Students were limited to the use of one roll of duck tape, plastic trash bags and assorted cardboard pieces to construct their sled or snowboard. Some worked in teams and some worked as individuals. Staff transported students to Bellamy Fields in Dover so they could race and see how their contraptions held up. What a great time! Prizes were awarded for various categories such as most creative.


Parent conferences were held in March. During transition skills class, students followed a recipe and baked cookies for their parents/guardians to enjoy during the conferences. The Dover Alternative Program had a good turn out and staff spent quality time with family members explain our curriculum and program.

Dover Middle School: Related Arts

Several teachers and some of our students continue to facilitate 8th grade related arts classes with some of the Dover Middle School Oasis students. In addition, a few of the 8th grade students have begun a slow transition to the Alternative Program to prepare them for their 9th grade year. Students walk over to our program following their related arts class and take three academic courses with us. At lunch time they are escorted back to DMS to finish their day. Other students, from various programs, are also spending time at our program as they look to the best program to meet their needs as they enter high school.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


The new semester is off to a great start with fresh electives and core courses moving right along. Winter is in full force and we experienced many snow related delays and cancellations. These issues definitely impact the momentum of our students. Daily attendance remains a concern and a priority for academic success!

The amount of snow that fell this month had a positive impact on student learning as well.
During the month of February, students designed and constructed a quinze snow shelter as part of a project based learning unit. Physical Science students researched heat (thermal energy) and its dispersal while Biology students researched the ecological factors  that wild animals face in winter and the morphological and physiological adaptations they have to deal with these conditions. Then, students in all science classes imagined facing these conditions themselves in a winter survival situation in reading Jack London's short story "To Build a Fire."
Recognizing the importance of shelter in this situation, students set out to research different types of shelters and design their own by imitating the engineering process designers use to create more efficient shelters. Students collaboratively set out to build the most efficient design of a quinze hut. Finally, experiments were conducted measuring the temperature difference between air inside the shelter versus external air temperature. Students definitely enjoyed this hands on learning experience!

Staff Showcase: Mrs. Thomas/Guidance Counselor


Mrs. Thomas is in her second year as the School Counselor for the Dover Alternative Program. She graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a BA in Psychology in 2001. She received her Master’s in Counseling at Spring Arbor University in Michigan in 2009. Prior to working here she worked with children diagnosed with Autism, and before that she was a Behavior Specialist for adolescents with developmental disabilities in Toledo, Ohio. She has always had a passion for helping youth realize that life is about the choices we make and we all have a chance to choose to be successful. she currently resides in Maine with her husband, 2 daughters, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 fish. As you can tell she loves animals too.


Community Goal: Diversity/Accepting Differences


Each month the staff set a goal for the community to work on as a whole. This month we worked on understanding and accepting the differences of those within our program as well as those within our community.

The group watched “Remember the Titans,” and completed an activity on stereotypes and character traits. Mrs. Thomas facilitated an activity about “getting along with others” which included learning about win-win solutions and win-lose solutions. Students discussed the civil rights movement and watched a documentary on Rosa Parks as well. In addition the issue of tolerance was a topic of discussion. 



Transition Skills
The last two blocks of the day consist of our transition skills elective. Each day a different activity is selected that enhances the social, academic, independent living or vocational skills of our students. Each week, students engage in a cooking activity, exposing them to healthy eating choices and culinary skills. This month, students participated in creating Southwestern Chili paired with homemade cornbread. It was delicious!

Connections with Dover Middle School:

Beginning this semester, Dover Alternative Program offered a first period elective, Leisure Activities. This course consists of a few of our high school students mentoring and engaging with some Dover Middle School students during their related arts class each day. Our staff facilitate the related arts class at DMS with the assistance of a couple of our students. The class meets the requirements for the DMS students in terms of exposure to art, music, physical education etc.

Some of the 8th graders then walk back to the Dover Alternative Program for a few of their core courses as a way to assimilate them into their Freshman year in the fall.

It has been a great partnership!


Wednesday, February 18, 2015





A new year means a fresh start for a lot of people. The month of January also signals the end of the first semester and mid year exams. Students prepared to take their exams and then enjoyed half days following their tests. The new semester began and students began different classes with fresh outlooks! 

Staff Showcase

Mr. Beck: Social Studies Teacher

This is my second year working at the Dover Alternative Program. I am currently the Social Studies teacher and the Dover High School boy’s tennis coach.  I have been working in the alternative education field since 1999. I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a BA in History and a minor in Geography.  Before moving to Dover I worked for the St. Paul American School in Beijing, China as a Social Studies teacher, tennis and badminton coach. I have a seven year old boy. My hobbies include coaching my son’s soccer team, playing golf, tennis, and traveling.

We had three Seniors finish their high school careers at the end of the first semester. These scholars worked hard to graduate with a 20 credit diploma and will walk with the Class of 2015 in June. We are extremely proud of these young adults and wish them all the best!

The Seniors asked for a trip to the New England Aquarium as their Senior gift. In order to earn the trip the students were required to complete a senior project. They were asked to create a presentation for the Dover School Board. The students created a Prezi, highlighting the Dover Alternative Program, guided a tour, and answered questions about their experiences. They were awarded their trip and had a great time. Some of the students had never been to an aquarium before!


Members of the Dover School Board along 

with Superintendent Arbour, Principal Driscoll (DHS),

Principal Lyndes (DMS), and Christine Boston,

Director of Pupil Personnel Services 

attended the presentation and tour put on

by our Seniors. 

Here is the link to the Prezi they created!


Friday, January 9, 2015



The holidays are a time to reflect on ourselves and the positive attributes of our lives. It is a time of giving, not receiving. The Dover Alternative Program's monthly theme was helping others. Throughout the month of December, a point drive was in place. As students earned points during the day for working on their goals they were asked to consider donating the points towards gifts for a family in need. The students at the Dover Alternative Program donated approximately 3000 of their earned points so that other children in the Dover community had at least one gift to open on the holiday.

The Dover Alternative Program partnered with the Seymour Osman Community Center and "adopted" a family in need. The donated points were exchanged into funds to purchase gifts. Students went shopping and purchased gifts off a wish list provided by the family. Our "adopted" family consisted of a single mother with three boys. Students bought each family member 2-3 gifts for the holiday.

Many of our students have been the recipients of the generosity of others. This event allowed them to give back!

Staff Showcase: Mr. Walker, Science Teacher


This is Mr. Walker's second year as the Science Teacher at the Dover Alternative Program. Prior to coming on board as our Science teacher, Mr. Walker helped provide community based transition skills to our students through Easter Seals. After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree from Bates College and working in the environmental consulting field, Mr. Walker felt a call toward working with local youth. "I have a real passion for mentoring students to find their interests by helping them connect to themselves, others and nature in a positive community."


During the month of December, students in Mr. Walker's Music Elective worked on constructing their own rattles made from gourds. The students worked to clean and dry the gourds, create rattles using the gourd's seeds, and paint their rattles with signs and symbols important to them. "We are excited to get to use these instruments in class. Everyone did a great job!"

Community Service/Volunteer Opportunities 

Through our partnership with the Seymour Osman Community Center, students had the opportunity to volunteer at a craft fair which was a fundraiser for the SOCC. Two of our students assisted in setting up crafter areas, running raffles and cake walks, as well as socializing with the public
In addition, one student participated in serving holiday meals for residents at the Dover Housing Authority.


Our students spent some time crafting in order to make our building look festive and get in the spirit of the holidays. Students made paper snowflakes to hang in various parts of our school.
Wreaths were created as part of our Transition Skills class. Students went outside and collected pine cones from the surrounding area. They washed them and dried them so that the cones would open up. Then they attached them to a wreath form and decorated them with ribbon and other natural elements. The wreaths adorn our door and walls. 


What is a "Put-Up"?

Our counselor, Ms. Thomas, began a project called "Put-ups"! These are the opposite of put-downs, which our students are all too familiar with. This project encourages students and staff to look for the great things that others around them do. Each day, at our advisory meeting, Ms. Thomas reads the "put-ups" and then makes copies to hang in our foyer. The recipient of the "put-up" gets to keep it as a memento. Everyone is feeling good about this project and appreciates the positive feedback.

The Upper DeckThe Upper Deck is a higher level reinforcement/recreation room that will be available to our top level students. Students have access to the room to relax, work quietly or socialize with others. There is a video/gaming area, quiet study place, computer section, and areas for recreation/fun. Students must be current in their academics to utilize the room. The Upper Deck will be ready for use after the holiday break.

The foosball table was procured by Mr. Schwartz and has added excitement to the program! The last day before holiday vacation, all staff and students challenged each other in a foosball tournament. Many of our students' competitive sides surfaced and we have some real talent here at the Dover Alternative Program!


Next Month

School Board Tour

Mid Year Exams

Aquarium Trip

Seniors Graduating

Semester 2

Your Big Opportunity May Be Right Where You Are Now!