Wednesday, December 17, 2014



Staff Showcase: Mr.Schwartz (interviewed and written by student Emily F.)

1. Q) How long have you been teaching for?
    A) I started at DHS is 1999 and came to the Alternative School 6 years ago.
2. Q) What is your favorite thing about your job?
    A) Seeing students change over the years.
3. Q) What interests do you have outside of teaching?
    A) I like spending time with my family, writing, music, and being outside. 
4. Q) What do you enjoy about teaching the most?
    A) I like discussing literature; I'm very literate.
5. Q) Are you an eggnog or apple cider kind of guy?
    A) Oh apple cider, all day!
6. Q) What was your favorite food that you cooked for the family brunch?
    A) Monte cristos! It's the best breakfast sandwich ever. 
7. Q) What do you have for hobbies?
    A) I enjoy developing imaginary businesses with my friends.
8. Q) What is your biggest accomplishment?
    A) Besides matching my shoes to my sweater vest this morning? I would have to say my family.
9. Q) What's your favorite Christmas movie?
    A) Christmas Vacation, hands down.
10. Q) What's your favorite season?
      A) I think spring is pretty awesome.


(Joan Breault, Director)

On Tuesday, November 25th, the students at the Dover Alternative Program hosted a family brunch to honor the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. The students were involved in creating the announcement and menu as well as setting up the banquet area, preparing all the food, serving, and clean-up. In addition, students created a video loop of their school activities accompanied by music which played throughout the course of the meal. Many family members showed up and enjoyed a feast of monte cristos, sausages, fruit, quiche and other scrumptious treats with the students and staff!


(Jamie Walker, Science)                                        

This November Mr. Walker's Science Classes completed a Composting Unit culminating with the construction of a new Composting Bin for the Alternative Program. Students learned about the process and cycle of decomposition in nature by studying decomposing forest leaf litter. Students constructed and used a Berlese Funnel to extract and study the variety of decomposing organisms in the forest litter layer including fungi, bacteria, and arthropods. Students also constructed food webs examining how these decomposing organisms interact with one another ecologically to create new soil for the forest. Students studied the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles to better understand how these important nutrients are recycled in nature. They then tried to mimic the patterns they saw in nature to create new soil for use in the school's garden and greenhouse by creating a Composting bin and implementing a Composting program at school. The students have done a great job helping with this ongoing project!







During the month of November the Dover Alternative School continued its adventure based counseling activities every Wednesday with goal of enhancing cooperation.   Students took part in a range of challenges and tasks that teach students how to work as a group, trust each other, and communicate effectively.   Some of the activities students took part in were "telephone and whale watch".
The first activity consisted of a set of words or messages which are passed along a line of people. Each person is required to whisper the message to the next person in line exactly as he or she has heard it. The original message at the start of the game is usually not the same message that is communicated at the end of the game. Students must also cooperate with one another to accomplish this task. The next variation required the students to pass instructions on how to construct an object through a series of networks. The first student was only allowed to talk to the second student; the second was only allowed to pass the information to the third student and so on. The last student was required to construct the object that only the first student had viewed.
Later in the month students participated in a low ropes element called the Whale Watch. This activity is designed to help strengthen the community's ability to cooperate as a group. The entire group must find balance on the giant seesaw. To increase the challenge, the group added group members on the seesaw one at a time (some members being blindfolded). The group had to maintain balance of the seesaw as members got on.

MAKING A MOVIE (Ben Schwartz; English, Case Manager) 

The Dover Alternative Program students have been in the process of creating a video capturing the spirit of our program. The video will be entered into a contest through the National Alternative Education Association. The students have the chance to win $400 towards their program! The students have worked in the areas of video production and editing, acting, script writing, as well as stage and set creation. The theme of the contest is "All Aboard". Look to see the final product soon!

STUDENT TIMELINES  (Scott Evans; Math, Health, Physical Education)

The students were asked to create a timeline of their lives. They included 10 events from their past. Some of the students chose family vacations, new siblings, getting a new pet, or meeting someone famous. They were required to name 5 future events that they would like to see happen for them in the future. Many of the students identified graduation, finding their own place to live, getting a new job, or going to college as things they wanted in their future. 

The students then created a bulletin board for the family brunch we celebrated before Thanksgiving. The goal of the project was to allow students to showcase themselves and also to reflect back on some happy moments in their lives as well as to think about where they want to be in the future. It was also beneficial in getting us to know the 4 newly enrolled students.



(Vickie Thomas, Guidance Counselor)

The young women's group meets every Tuesday during 3rd period. This month we finished up our vision boards. A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on specific life goals. It is a creation that is individual and unique to each student/person making it. Magazines and newspapers of different varieties were used to create the boards. The young women were asked to think of things they wanted, liked, or wanted to learn at some point, goals they had for the future, things they liked to do, quotes that were inspirational, or just words that inspired them, places they wanted to visit, places they wanted to live…..anything that appealed to them. They went through the magazines and cut out pictures related to their goals. The students then glued the pictures onto a flat, white piece of cardboard. This board helps remind the students of things they want out of life or inspires them to achieve certain goals.



  • Volunteering Opportunities

  • Adopt-A-Family

  • Holiday Baking and Movie

Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Staff Showcase: Mr. Evans 

Mr. Evans is our Physical Education
and Health Teacher. He has been working at the
Dover Alternative Program for 16 years. Mr. Evans enjoys spending time with his family. He likes to golf and ski. Mr. Evans worked as a deck hand on a tug boat for a year and a half.
Favorite saying: Failing To Prepare is Preparing For Failure (John Wooden, UCLA basketball)

M.C. Escher
The students have been working on a unit related to M.C. Escher. This unit incorporated aspects of History, Science, Language Arts and Math. Students researched Escher, created Tessalations and Mobius strips, and wrote about their learning. The unit culminated in a trip to the Currier Museum of Art to see the Escher works on display. In addition to academics, students worked on their social skills as they maneuvered their way within the museum. The artwork fascinated them!


The Horticulture class designed and constructed their own greenhouse. Mr. Walker, Science Teacher, worked with students as they planned, proposed, purchased supplies, and completed the greenhouse. The greenhouse is located at the side entrance of the school.
Positive Reinforcement
Some students saved the points they earned for working on their goals and took a trip to Adams Point. They observed local wildlife and learned lessons about the environment through the teachings of their Science Teacher, Mr. Walker.   

Community Building
On Wednesdays, the staff and students participate in community building activities to strengthen relationships and create a culture of respect. Every week therapeutic groups take place surrounding a theme. The theme for October was Communication. Ms. Thomas, School Counselor, facilitates these groups. Following each group, the students participate in team activities related to the theme. These activities are co-lead by the faculty along with the counselor. These activities are movement based, engaging and fun!
Community Service
Some of our students went to a local cemetery to clean up debris in the area and beautify the grounds for those who have loved ones there. Giving back to others enhances self-esteem and provides a sense of purpose to those involved! Art history students took head stone etchings as part of an on-going project.
Video Production
The students have begun creating a video representing our program. The video will be submitted as part of a national conference for the National Alternative Education Association. The theme for the video is "All Aboard". Students will be speaking with staff of the Downeaster and will be responsible for writing the script, creating the set, acting out the roles, and editing the footage! 

Many efforts are being made to encourage daily attendance in school. Daily phone calls, meetings with caregivers, and outside agency involvement are all aspects of enhancing attendance so students can be successful. We at the Dover Alternative Program want each and every one of our students in school each day!
Next Month         

The month of November is a time for reflection, family and giving thanks for what we have. The students at the Dover Alternative Program will be planning and serving a family brunch/open house the week prior to Thanksgiving. We would like to invite the families of our students to come in, tour our program, speak with our staff, see the accomplishments of their children and enjoy a bite to eat. Students will be coming home with dates and details soon!


Monday, September 22, 2014

Who We Are

The Dover Alternative Program specializes in meeting the needs of non-traditional learners. Students face a variety of challenges and many have difficulty navigating within a large high school setting for a variety of reasons. The Dover Alternative Program provides a small setting for students with abundant attention from staff. Our faculty consists of four academic teachers, a counselor, a paraeducator, an administrative assistant, and the Dean/Director. Our staff assist students with their social/emotional, behavioral, and academic needs throughout the school day. Our teachers engage students through innovative instruction within academic classes. We follow the guidelines of Dover High School. Students participate in year long 45 minute classes rather than a block schedule format. Our counseling staff provides individual/group counseling and family support. In addition, we work closely with community based agencies to enhance student success in all areas of functioning.

What's New in

We have a new Dean! Our program is going in a new direction and has a heavy emphasis on meeting the social/emotional needs of our students along with their academic needs. My name is Joan Breault and I have over 25 years working with students with various challenges. I am a licensed mental health counselor, certified school guidance counselor, and a doctoral candidate in education. I focus on providing a warm, nurturing environment in which students can feel accepted and empowered to achieve their potential. Students are held accountable for their actions and required to work on resolving conflicts that arise.

Positive Reinforcement System
A point/level system has been implemented within the Dover Alternative Program. Students earn points throughout the day for meeting expectations (Be Positive, Be Respectful, Be a Learner) as well as working on personal and community goals. Points can be used to purchase items within our school store, The Sandbar. As students earn points they can move within our level system and earn increased trust, independence, and privileges. We have 4 levels, The Ripple, The Swell, The Wave, and The Tsunami.

Mr. Scott Evans (Math/Physical Education)
Mr. Brian Beck (Social Studies)
Mr. Ben Schwartz (English/Case manager)
Mr. Jamie Walker (Science)
Ms. Vickie Thomas (Counselor)
Ms. Mindee Polland (Paraeducator)
Ms. Jan Boyatsis (Administrative Assistant)

  • Community Building
  • School Improvement
  • Adam's Point Trip
  • Solar Cookers
  • Fried Cinnamon Apples
  • Senior Community Service Project
  • Can Jam

Highlighted Activity: Senior Project

Within their English class, seniors are developing a community service project to raise funds for a local community center. Pushing for a Purpose is a project inviting local gyms to compete in various challenges such as pull-ups, push-ups and other physical activities. All funds raised will be donated to the Seymour Osmon Community Center. This center provides valuable services to the children within the Dover Housing Authority.  


Student attendance is crucial to academic success!!!! Please make sure students attend school daily and on time. Our staff work hard to consistently communicate with students and parents regarding the importance of attendance and its connection to future success.

Contact Us Anytime

Please call the Dover Alternative Program if you have questions, comments, concerns or if you want to come in for a visit! The Dean can be reached at 603-516-6058 or at